Sun Wukong, the Monkey King

Coming soon: Deathless Monkey

A retelling of the Chinese classic Journey to the West. A lonely macaque becomes the King of Monkeys. Then the rival of Heaven. Then the disciple of a humble monk, journeying together to find the Buddha, to fetch the holy scriptures back to China.

This version stands out from other retellings because it draws most faithfully from the source material, fills in the psychological causations behind the characters’ bold actions, and provides the entire karmic evolution for Monkey King from unruly renegade to fully enlightened sage.

Anyone, anywhere, has the potential to fully awaken

Other books:

Anapanasati & Me
A guide to the Buddha’s most detailed
instruction on meditation

First Year Teacher
64-page comic memoir about that
notorious first year of teaching

Drawings About Love
Drawings about self-love, partner-love,
and everything-love

Speak Justice Handbook
Curriculum and how-to guide for hosting
social justice workshops